Thursday, January 31, 2008

Keeping Perspective

Mark Milke wrote this excellent article for the Edmonton Sun. If you are unhappy with the economic boom in Alberta now, then perhaps 1988's statistics will help you see the light - 9.7% unemployment and 18% interest rates. Seems unbelievable doesn't it?

"So let's keep present problems in perspective, even with the environmental or social problems -- which I don't downplay -- that accompany the energy industry's success.

Whether you're an Albertan who works in the resource industry, a doctor whose salary is paid partly by the existence of energy royalties, a trades guy or gal who doesn't have to beg for jobs -- unlike in the 1980s, an artist who received an Alberta government or corporate grant, or the recipient of a welfare cheque itself funded partly by oil and gas royalties, we're better off in this province with the resource industry than without it." READ MORE

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