Saturday, September 04, 2010

This and That

Harper Government Strengthens Canada's longterm economic plan - "Our government is investing in science and technology to strengthen the economy and improve the quality of life of Canadians,"

"This significant investment will help develop, attract and retain the world's best researchers at Canadian universities while strengthening Canada's long-term economic competitiveness." Minister of State Goodyear

"Tomorrow's prosperity depends on our ability to compete within a diverse, global economy — to get there, we need to start with competitive infrastructure," "World-class facilities are a magnet for global talent, and these funds make a tremendous difference in researchers' capacity to conduct leading-edge interdisciplinary research and discovery learning." Dr. Indira Samarasekera, President of the University of Alberta

Our government's efforts to attract the best and the brightest will not only improve our economy but also quality of life through research and discovery.

Alberta deficit predicted at $4.7 Billion - "The province says faltering markets, a stronger Canadian dollar, lower prices for natural gas and fluctuating oil prices continue to be factors contributing to the deficit.

"There is some good news," Morton said. "Canada is doing better than any other Western nation. Alberta is doing better than any other province.

"But we are an export-based economy, so what happens in the global economy affects us here at home."

That is good news that even with a deficit we a poised and ready to excel when the world economy regains it's balance. The one thing you will hear over and over again is that Canada and Alberta are in the best shape of the western world. Where else in the world would you put your money?

Fifteen Edmonton Districts Picked for Upgrades - "Fifteen Edmonton communities are scheduled to get new sidewalks and roads over the next five years, a city report shows."

"Initially, when we mapped this out, costs were still rising very quickly because of the boom"

“The good news was that costs have come in lower, because the economy slowed down and because we have a dedicated pool of funds we know will be there in future years, so we can enter long-term contracts” at a lower price. Councilor Don Iveson

Everywhere in Edmonton I see road work and improvements to infrastructure all this commits to a city growing for the future.