Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 email:
April 1st., 2013
Volume 14, Issue 4
Dear Friends and Partners,
When were you last on all fours, head in the toilet, gut heaving and eyes popping; when was your last hangover? I have quaffed less than half a bottle of fine vino over the past decade. The last time I drank too much was probably sometime back in my 20's. Its hard to remember how great the night was, or how much fun I was having, but I sure do remember how bad I felt the next day.
I bring up this disgusting image because I realize that it is very much a kin to a marketplace hangover. See, we have a lot of good news stories in Alberta and then we have the scary global ones. We take two, three, four steps forward with our Alberta economy and then a giant one backwards with politics and pipelines. When we scrutinize a proper real estate investment here, we get excited because it IS a good deal and it will do well. But, just like you might never drink Malibu again, that hangover can burn an image in your mind that really turns your stomach.
For those of us that bought in the late 90's or pre mid-2007 we look back without hangover... For those of us that bought at the party's height, we may still feel a tinge of pain in the temple when we see all the 'good news' stories in Alberta and wonder 'When the heck will my property be at that value again?!"
Real Estate investing is a long-term game. The cycles can last for years and sometimes even decades, just as you can flip a house in a day and make money. Unfortunately real estate isn't a very liquid asset and the time we want to, or need to, cash out may be at the worst time in the cycle.
Moving forward, investing in Edmonton and other parts of Alberta is going to seem like a warm house-party. There will be good news stories, lots of laughs and long friendships made. Some will enjoy the festivities too much and leave with a hangover while others will have made friends (investments) for life.
The best thing you can do is stress-test your potential property by calculating higher interest rates, factor in lower rents, use down payments of 20% or more, manage effectively and know what your exit strategy is before you buy. There are more ways to mitigate risk and different strategies to employ that will allow you to leverage better and protect yourself more, but for now we will focus on avoiding a hangover.
South Central Edmonton: 4 Suite Cash Flow Property in Bonnie Doon

Turbo charge your portfolio. Upgraded 1965 built 4 unit property with separate entrance to lower suites. Upper units have been renovated and using our PPI strategy the lower units are upgraded at purchase, and costs wrapped into mortgage. You'll find 2 X spacious 2 bd units upstairs and 2 X bright 1 bd units downstairs. There is common laundry for the lower units and upper suites have en-suite laundry. Each unit has its own exterior storage locker as well. There is also a double detached garage adding cashflow. Excellent location directly across from Bonnie Doon mall on a small side road, 1 block north of Whyte Avenue. 5 minutes to Rowland Drive and ravine, with routes to the Yellowhead and Whitemud minutes away, 10 minutes to downtown and UOA. Fast access to Wayne Gretzky Drive and on all bus routes.
Comes complete with great tenants making this a totally turn-key property for you. Convenient south central area of Bonnie Doon with easy access to transit and downtown. Bonnie Doon is a mature, sought after area near the university and Whyte ave. Highly rentable; solid value and increasing rents. HUGE upside potential due to the great purchase price, strong economic fundamentals and the proximity of this property in relation to Edmonton's desirable south side.
Purchase price: $625K Total Investment: $145,601K. Your Estimated 5 Year Profit $77,327K. Your pre-tax Total ROI is 53% or 11% per year + $400 Cash Flow
These 4 suites rent for top dollar and have everything arranged, including financing structure and incredible tenants. Your investment includes: impeccable tenant selection, financial analysis, professional inspection, insurance, financing set-up, legal fees, basic accounting, reserve fund, CMA, bi-annual statements, strategic market planning to ensure successful entry and exit, plus much more!
Alberta Economy Continuing its Impressive Boom
By Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald, March 19th 2013
CALGARY — Any dark clouds that are currently hanging over Alberta will clear by 2014, paving the way for strong business and consumer activity, says a report by RBC Economics.
The bank’s latest Provincial Outlook, released Tuesday, said the province’s economy will continue its “impressive boom” through 2013, after leading the country’s economic growth in 2012, despite facing challenges.
RBC forecasts a provincial real GDP growth rate of three per cent due to strong crude oil production as well as high levels of capital investment, employment and population growth. This will be second in the country behind the 5.1 per cent growth expected in Newfoundland & Labrador. GRAB THIS STORY
Lamphier: Alberta's population Boom isn't Shaking Foundation of housing Market
By Gary Lamphier, Edmonton Journal, March 22nd 2013
EDMONTON - If you’re looking for a job in Newfoundland and Labrador, good luck. You’ll need plenty of it.
For every job opening, there were 16 job seekers in December, according to recent StatsCan data. In New Brunswick, the ratio was a still-stratospheric 10.5-to-one.
The odds of landing a job were only marginally better in Ontario, where eight applicants fought over every vacancy.
Here in Alberta? It’s a completely different story. For each unfilled job there were fewer than two people unemployed in December. No wonder newcomers continue to beat a path to Wild Rose country. Despite worries that discounted crude prices may prompt a slowdown in the oilpatch, the stampede shows no signs of abating. FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE
Alex McBrien: Why Alberta Needs a Diversified Economy and, Three Ways We Can Get There
By Alex McBrein, Huffington post, March 23rd 2013
The Alberta government is facing a deficit in the area of $4 billion. By now we have all heard the discussions regarding the recommended courses of action that the government should take to make sure that Alberta's finances get back into the black; reform Alberta's taxation system (although the budget saw no such reforms), cut government spending, and diversify Alberta's energy export markets.
All of these will certainly be needed in the short term, to some degree or another, to get Alberta's finances back on stable footing. However, all of the above are just that, short-term solutions to a more systematic issue facing Alberta's economy. University of Calgary economist Ron Kneebone was right to suggest that the real issue at hand is "the [provincial] government's historic reliance on resource revenues to bankroll its operations". Instead, what is needed to mitigate the economic risks associated with being a resource- based economy is a sustained focus on diversifying Alberta's economic base.
This will be a complex and challenging task (as it is for most resource-based economies), however placing focus on areas that build off of Alberta's current economic strengths, that make it easier to set up a small business, and that increase investment in arts and culture are sure to go a long way in achieving this goal. READ MORE HERE
I appreciate all your calls and emails. I'm looking forward to helping you with your next step towards building real wealth.
Your success continues EVERYDAY, let me help you build for tomorrow.
"Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level." -Max L. Foreman
Warm Regards,
Todd and Danielle Millar
P.S. Stay ahead by checking out Danielle's blog at Edmonton Real Estate Investor for all your cutting edge market news and information.
P.P.S. Don’t forget to visit our website and take advantage of the Resource Tools and product section including REIN's #1 real estate books and Quick Start homestudy sets at a discount. Get your copy of the Canadian Success Stories book and the 2010-2014 Top Ten Investment Towns of Alberta and Ontario.
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