Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 email:
July 1st. Long Weekend, 2013
Volume 14, Issue 9
Dear Friends and Partners,
Our hearts go out to all the folks affected and displaced by the terrible floods in Southern Alberta.
I've experienced a few disasters from a flooding neighbourhood that had everyone sandbagging the sewer and streams to earthquake support and charity drives overseas.
I'm proud to say that Albertans lead the pack when crisis hits and the 'can-do!' attitude and action is on full throttle. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook proved useful tools, perhaps even life saving tools, in getting information and resources out to those who lost electricity or were displaced in the storm.
Do what you can to help Calgary and surrounding areas out even it it's just buying a donut.

South West Edmonton: Tri-Plex Cashflow Property in Ekota
Turbo charge your portfolio. This is a renovation deal that will add a new suite to the existing two units. Upgraded 1975 built legal duplex property with front and rear entrances to suites. Two units have been upgraded and a third 2 BD suite will be added, using our PPI strategy at purchase time and wrapping renovation costs into mortgage. You'll find 2 X 3BD units and 1 X 2BD unit. Spacious upper units boat new laminate, fixtures and paint. The lower unit to get full kitchen, bathroom, vanity and top of the line flooring. Each unit has en-suite laundry. Each unit has its own parking space. Excellent location in the South West with a short walk to Millwoods Park, malls and minutes to the Anthony Henday and Whitemud highway, Grey Nuns hospital is less than 5 minutes away. Fast access to to all bus routes.
Comes complete with great tenants making this a totally turn-key property for you. Convenient south west area with easy access to transit and downtown. Ekota is an established, sought after neighbourhood in the Millwoods community. Highly rentable; solid value and increasing rents. HUGE upside potential due to the great purchase price, strong economic fundamentals and the proximity of this property in relation to Edmonton's desirable Southend.
Purchase price: $545K
Total Investment: $126,611.47K
Your Estimated 5 Year Profit $73,877.93K
Your pre-tax Total ROI is 58% or 12% per year
These 3 suites rent for top dollar and have everything arranged, including financing structure and incredible tenants. Your investment includes: impeccable tenant selection, financial analysis, professional inspection, insurance, financing set-up, legal fees, basic accounting, reserve fund, CMA, bi-annual statements, strategic market planning to ensure successful entry and exit, plus much more!
Lamphier: Little to back up all that racket about U.S. style meltdown in Canada
By Gary Lamphier, Edmonton Journal, June 21st 2013
EDMONTON - Think of it as a battle of nerds.
As slugfests go, it’s pretty tame stuff, to be sure. There will be no Zdeno Chara-style smackdowns in this polite intellectual bunfight. But Paul Krugman’s warning that Canada could be hit with a U.S.-style “deleveraging shock” has unleashed a flurry of counterpunches from Bay Street’s practictioners of the dismal science.
Personally, I think Krugman, a high-profile, Nobel prize-winning economist who also writes for The New York Times, is all wet in this case. But more on that in a moment.
First, let’s recap. On his Times blog last week, Krugman said a recent visit to Toronto to accept an honorary degree got him thinking about Canada (clearly, a rare event in itself for many who reside in The Greatest Nation on Earth, but that’s a topic for another day).
“Famously,” he sniffed, although Canada’s “old-fashioned boring banking system avoided getting caught up in the global financial crisis,” a day of reckoning may be coming, due to high Canadian consumer debt levels and persistently strong housing prices. FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE
Alberta Economy To Be a Canadian Leader Over Next Two Years
By Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald, June 19th 2013
CALGARY — Alberta’s economy is positioned to grow at the top-end of Canada’s provincial economic growth rankings in 2013 and lead the country in 2014, says a new report released Wednesday by RBC Economics.
The Provincial Outlook forecasts provincial real GDP growth of 3.0 per cent this year, down from 3.8 per cent in 2012, which was the best in Canada. This year’s economic growth in Alberta will be second in the country only to Newfoundland & Labrador’s 6.0 per cent hike.
In 2014, Alberta is forecast to lead the country with growth of 4.2 per cent.
“We expect Alberta’s economic boom to continue largely unabated this year with the majority of indicators so far pointing to rapid growth. Crude oil production is on an upswing, construction activity is rapidly expanding, and, in the second quarter to date, housing starts are at the highest level since early 2008,” said Craig Wright, senior vice-president and chief economist of RBC. “Attractive job prospects continue to be a beacon for workers from outside the province, which has boosted Alberta’s population growth above the three per cent mark for the first time since 2006.” GRAB THIS STORY
With its entrepreneurial spirit, Alberta is no one-trick hydrocarbon pony
By Todd Hirsch, Globe and Mail Special, June 21st, 2013
Like most Albertans in the 80s, I remember the question that loomed like a nasty storm cloud on the prairie horizon: What happens when we run out of oil? It was a logical question – since oil was finite, it seemed sensible to conclude that we would eventually run out. And then what?
Three decades later, that question has been answered. Alberta will never, ever run out of molecules of oil in the ground. With new technologies that have untapped the oil sands, we now have more potential resources than ever before. There’s no way we will ever run out.
But now even stormier questions bear down on Albertans: What happens if no one wants to buy it at the price we require to dig it up? Or worse, what happens if we can’t pipe it out of here? These uglier realities are creating some worry lines on the brows of the Armani-suited in downtown Calgary. (If nothing else, there should be a good future for plastic surgeons in this city). READ MORE HERE
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Your success continues EVERYDAY, let me help you build for tomorrow.
"Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before." -Elizabeth Edwards
Warm Regards,
Todd and Danielle Millar
===SPECIAL NOTICE: NO CASH, BUT GOOD CREDIT? CALL US TODAY TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN OWN INVESTMENT PROPERTY===P.S. Stay ahead by checking out Danielle's blog at Edmonton Real Estate Investor for all your cutting edge market news and information.
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