Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 email:
October 17th., 2016
Volume 21, Issue 7
Dear Friends and Partners,
My friend and I start every day by texting each other 3 things we are grateful for. The only rule is no repeats, each text must hold three new things we find to express our gratitude.
Sometimes there are backhanded; "I'm grateful I have kids who keep me up all night" or "I'm grateful it wasn't freezing when my dog wanted to go out at 2am" others for simple North American privileges "I'm grateful my water is safe to drink"or "I'm glad I have a nice warm house".
If you can do this for at least a month your view of your life and problems will change.
I'll leave you with this powerful quote:
Vice president of product at Airbnb
Courtesy of Airbnb
“I once sent an email to my PhD advisor at Caltech, Niles Pierce, complaining about something difficult I was struggling with. I saved his response. He said, ‘I guarantee you 100% that the tough problems you do decide to confront and master will be the experiences you value the most when you look back.’ That quote has always stuck with me in the back of my mind and encouraged me to seek out difficult challenges and get even more excited when things get hard.”

This is currently a Side by side that can be turned into a 4-Plex. Price includes renovation costs. Great, soon to be 4-unit bungalow, 10 minutes from downtown; a winner to add to any portfolio. 1967 built, meticulously maintained. Terrific access to local amenities in mature King Edward. New appliances, shingles, flooring and suite upgrades.
This property will have 2 X 2 bd suites added down. Plus 2 X 3 bd on the main. Features oversized double garage and pad. This property has a tried and true layout and is built to last. Purchase price includes reserve fund and large reno conversion costs to make the property shine! This is a turn-key deal. Excellent access downtown and in the highly rentable and desirable neighbourhood of King Edward.
Comes complete with great tenants making this a totally turn-key property for you. King Edward is a mature neighbourhood that is convenient for tenants working downtown and attending U.O.A. HUGE upside potential due to the great purchase price, strong economic fundamentals and the proximity of this property in relation to Edmonton's desirable growing core.
Purchase price: $600,000 plus $75,000 Purchase Plus Improvements
Total Investment: $141,720
Your Estimated 5 Year Profit $95,232
Your pre-tax Total ROI is 67% or 13.4% per year
These 4 suites rent for top dollar and have everything arranged, including financing structure and incredible tenants. Your investment includes: impeccable tenant selection, financial analysis, professional inspection, insurance, financing set-up, legal fees, basic accounting, reserve fund, CMA, bi-annual statements, strategic market planning to ensure successful entry and exit, plus much more!
The new two solitudes: 'Alberta and the rest of the Canada'
By Robson Fletcher, CBC News, October 3rd., 2016
Sumara Diaz was laid off in February, and she counts herself among the lucky ones.
It was the first layoff of her 17-year career in Alberta's oil and gas sector, and she's well aware that many of her colleagues have been through the experience multiple times. She's spent the last eight months hunting for jobs, networking and trying to stay positive.
She doesn't expect much from others — she finds it hard to ask for help — but she says a little support from the rest of the country for the tens of thousands of other Albertans like her would be nice.
"Alberta has always been the strong province that has helped the other provinces," Diaz said.
Opinion: George Brookman on Albertans’ growing anger, and Calgary’s future
By George Brookman, CBC News Canada, October 10th, 2016
"Nothing Ever Happens Until Somebody Sells Something."
Those words were spoken to me by my Dad when I was a very young little guy and they were repeated over and over as I grew. Today, both of my own daughters have heard them so often they will say "yes, yes Dad, we know."
Whether you want to get a date, convince your parents to buy a puppy, sell a house or a car, promote a fund raiser or convince your children about the merits of secondary education, the simple truth is that you are always selling. GRAB THIS STORY
The state of Edmonton’d economy: House prices, migration and an economic outlook
A Q & A with Edmonton chief economist John Rose
By Alex Boyd, Metro, October 4th, 2016
In the latest bit of Alberta economic gloom, the Royal LePage House Price Survey detailed Tuesday that Edmonton average home prices declined by 3.1 per cent, to $374,712, compared to the same quarter last year.
We checked in with Edmonton chief economist John Rose about that number, the city’s economic outlook and other numbers he’s watching.
Q: How concerning is the decline number?
A: It’s very difficult to square that number with the information from the Edmonton Real Estate board last week, which indicated house prices in the Edmonton region were actually down less than one per cent. So I find the three per cent number a bit high. READ MORE HERE
I appreciate all your calls and emails. I'm looking forward to helping you with your next step towards building real wealth.
Your success continues EVERYDAY, let me help you build for tomorrow.
“You have to stay true to your heritage; that's what your brand is about.” -Alice Temperley
Warm Regards,
Todd and Danielle Millar
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